Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Row Row Row My Boat
So after much gorilla watching, modern art gazing, and picture taking at the river, I awaited J-Fan and Charlie's imminent arrival at Paul's for a couple of hours, just hanging out and knitting. Now that I mention it, my knitting that I did on the road looks to my eyes like a blind person with little or no coordination must have done it, but that is beside the point. Mary is getting a scarf, and it will be a good scarf. Same for Deb's. I'll try to have them done by next....uh.....summer. Fun fact I learned from the Tate Modern: Did you know Monet can be considered modern art? Me neither. I know little about art history, in fact. This is why I think a guy scribbling stick figures on the back of a coaster in a bar is art. Or, maybe it is. Who am I to judge? I just look at the pretty things and admire like a novice.
I walked my favorite walk before waiting for J&C. From the Tate, I took the path through the underpasses, sad oboe music and all. It was really atmospheric. I went down the narrow passageway towards Southwark Cathedral, where the founder of Harvard University was actually baptized. I did my angsty writer in the coffee shop thing as well near the Globe. I sort of teetered around the narrow streets and tried to find my way back to where I came. I failed, so I found the nearest tube station.
J&C arrived late, as was customary from Heathrow. They were real troopers, however. No napping for them! Drop off things and go, go, go! OK, maybe Charlie protested. He was tired. But Jen wanted to see things. We tried to go to the Tower of London, but by the time we got there, it was only open for another half hour. We took pictures of it from outside, and vowed to go in it some other time. I had already been previously, but I wanted to go once more. Oh well... the river beckoned anyways, as we watched the Tower Bridge raise to let a tall boat underneath pass safely by.