Saturday, October 14, 2006
"Bus" Tour
I think I've already mentioned how much I looooooooooved walking in Prague. So, I was thrilled the first day we were there when we were told we'd be on a bus tour. Little did I know, this 'bus' tour consisted of 20 minutes of bus, and about 3 miles of walking. I kid you not.
But to its credit, we did see some pretty kick-ass scenery and the fabulous St. Vitus, which is beautiful. They had a purple stained-glass window in it that I wished I could take home with me, it was so gorgeous and perfect.

There were other things, of course. Like, for instance, creepy gargoyles.

I was impressed with this portion of the city, despite my hatred of the cobblestones. Much of the time was spent me grumbling like an old lady about the "fucking cobblestones" all the way down a long-ass hill in Mala Strana towards the river.

It doesn't look like much, but it was a long way down.
Then Annmarie and I had the most irritating experience at a restaurant in the city center. It was as if the waiters were being irritating on PURPOSE. I swear. Two hours to eat lunch? This was outdoing even Chateau de Suck. But, we tolerated them because the view was pretty.

See? Prague does the scenery right.