Monday, October 09, 2006
My Garden in the Sky
Next day we woke up late. Well, not so incredibly late that we missed breakfast, technically we could still have that. Jen and I decided to walk along the river and find a was a cool morning, very grey and wet. Finally, London was behaving in typical fashion. Thankfully, Paul's place is in walking distance of many, many things- food included. Jen and I got our pounds worth of grub and headed home to Charlie, who was waiting patiently.
What to do today? We decided St. Paul's Cathedral and Covent Garden might be fun.
I had heard St. Paul's was worth seeing, and so it was. Indeed, it was huge, and imposing, and inside beautiful. They were actually having a mass inside under the big dome (it is an Episcopal church-duh) so I didn't take any flash photos. I didn't think it would be appreciated. The priest (preacher? uh...not religious here, so have no idea) droned on in his preacher-voice, and it was like something from the Princess Bride, only without the speech-impediment.
Charlie wrote poetry, Jen and I tried not to get thrown out.
Little did I know, this was to be the first of many, many churches.
When we got out of the cathedral, it was raining, as it does. We hailed a cab and took off for Covent of my most favorite places in all of London.
Hello, shopping!
And it's not only shopping, but to me a different kind, because they don't just have the fancy shops but they have the stalls outside as well. The day we were there was the antique market, so we saw rows and rows of antique goods, from china to action figures. It was fantastic.
But I had to stop when we saw....stripey socks. I must have stripey socks.
So, I bought three pairs; the green ones which are already posted, the purple and black, and the red and white, which make my legs look like candy canes.

I rest my case.
Fabulous. I was in stripey sock heaven.
Add some musicians, a few more frivolous purchases, wine, and some good food, I was set. I was in utter heaven.
And do you know what made that day even BETTER?
That's right. That night we saw Wicked, two days before it opened on the West End, starring this person right here.