Sunday, October 15, 2006
Defying Gravity?
Uh...well. I did my best. We went to the top of the Very Big Tower after lunch. Of course, the only reason I was able to do it was because they had a lift. I was happy, because I really wanted to see the view from up there. Or so I thought. 
Oh hey. Now that's a long way down. Gulp.

Look, ma! I'm eye-level with a church-steeple! Goody!
I seriously forced myself to walk around all four sides of the itty-bitty balcony on this tower. I had to. I knew logically we couldn't fall over, but being from California, I kept having flashbacks of the Northridge earthquake of 94.
As I picked my way gingerly around the outside, past the other tourists, all I could think was, "Holy God I'm going to fall out." At one point I felt nauseous and I could have sworn I felt the building sway (which it probably did). Or, maybe that was just me getting light-headed.

Oh but the views! They were beautiful and fantastic and everything I had hoped. I'm glad I (sort of) got over my fear long enough to take a few shots. That was nice!