Friday, October 20, 2006
Goodbye Prague!
So I guess that concludes the Prague entries. That night, after the Charles Bridge, I headed back that way anyhow and walked the bridge again at night. It was beautiful and dreamlike. We had a group dinner during which I talked to some people, ate some more traditional Czech food, and tried to have a good time. I can say i'm glad I went, that I really needed the break from the total heartbreak that this year has brought me, and that it was an experience I'll never, ever forget.
Thank you to Paul, who is a most gracious and wonderful host, and without whom I wouldn't have had a place in London to stay. I am so happy I got to spend a couple of days hanging out with you and Jen and Charlie. Good times.
There may be more photos, or more details that I have completely forgotten (i'll look over the notes I made), and if that is the case, there will be more posts here.
Until later....adios!